Monday, February 28, 2011

Static In A Microfiber Blanket

Vizcaya House Salad for a spring day and happy day of Andalusia Double chocolate brownies

Today February 28 is celebrated on Andalucia. Despite still being in the middle of winter, the anticyclone is giving us some wonderful days of spring. Sun, warmth, flowers ... so many have used the bridge to go to the beach (or you imagine the atascazo that was yesterday at noon in the highway Sevilla-Huelva).

So, for you to be in Andalucia, for those who do not, for here and beyond, I leave you with this rich salad nice and cool, that this warmth feels the world of good. While cold days are coming, let's enjoy this break.


· Leafy greens (lettuce, endive, romanilla ... what more you like it or tengais at hand)
· Eggs hard
· White asparagus
· Carrot grated sweet corn
° CHEESE cool, cut into pieces
• An Andalusian frigate loin (to celebrate the day), but well, supports also mackerel, tuna, bonito ...
· Olive oil virgin extra salt and vinegar


· We have all the ingredients into the bowl or plate to serve.

° Add the salt, oil and vinegar to taste.

And enjoy a dish of sea quick to prepare, cool and full of vitamins. Happy week everyone!


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