Monday, February 7, 2011

How Long Does 10mg. Temazepam Last While Sleeping

light chocolate cream

And after a rich stew ... postrecito, yet lightweight and sanote ... for those days when we feel like a whim of chocolate but without neglecting the whole line, hehe. Well, if I tell you that it is in a hurry, what we love. Although I

now that I took was a good warm broth to see if I leave the virusillos quiet winter, I go cold I caught! Well, here you have the recipe. Ah, indeed! I forgot to tell you that I have decided to make bread at home ... super basic, really, but with a wonderful flavor and texture. And I tell you in next posts.

Ingredients * 100 g of chocolate fondant
· 80 g sugar * 20 g
· 500 g of skimmed milk (although you can use full or semi)

Preparation (Traditional)

· Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or microwave (if you do well, better about 30 seconds each time to not burn the chocolate).

· Dissolve the cornstarch with a little cold milk. The rest I put in a saucepan to heat with the sugar, cornstarch mixture and milk, and add the melted chocolate.

· Wait a few minutes until it boils, remove and serve the individual containers.

NOTES: Makes about 5
· not too "loaded"
• The texture is kind Potax flan, Cream.

· Put the chocolate in the bowl and grate, 10 seconds, speed progressive 5-10.

° Add the sugar, cornstarch and milk and schedule 7 minutes, 100 ยบ, speed 4. Pour into glasses and let cool in the fridge (once it is warm) for about 2 hours.


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