Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ubuntu Hide Computer In Network

been a whole weekend biscuits and slowly I will be teaching my progress and my lots of gifts that have been preparing for the moment I leave you with the first, the Sabino.
I am very happy and mu excited about it the baby shower, which is nothing to go see the baby of some friends, but said in posh mean, is that is best know ???!!!!! jejejejejejjejeje
Finally someone has given me a reason to release the cutters and stamps that Santa Claus brought me! How she longed!!
These cookies Sabino commissioned to me for a friend who just had a baby, from here my congratulations to the new mommy and cookies made with love (and patience, jejjejejeje) to celebrate.
Here you have the fotillos:

fotillo And now another of my baby alone and in the delivery room!! jejejejeje was a tough match, but came out and I think the world of good, well a bit orejón but funny, nooo?? jejejejejee

I want to thank Chris ( Sugar Mur ) Truquis their teaching and to get to do things how are you.


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