I invite you to my school
The San Isidoro was for years "my" school, mostly because it was the only one in the village, at that time they still came through eighth , then for years I had almost no contact with him until the time came closer for school for my child choose between the two that are currently, both are good training centers and were more or less the same distance from my house, but strip always longing and feel free to point it in the same way I like your hermano.Asi then that I linked to it although things are different from student to a mother.
This week marks the week of the letters V, is 10 days during which transforms the center, one year was an enchanted forest, another the seabed, another was devoted to the comic. This year the theme is terror and classes are decorated with vampires, werewolves, witches, spiders and everything you can imagine, children do not stop doing activities, workshops ect.
So I invite you to visit the school
page and you see the magnificent work done by teachers assisted by some parents that we could collaborate.
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