Friday, April 8, 2011

Camcorder Prosumer Under 2000

After missing almost a week blogueril the world want to share with you this recipe as summer, because I know in the rest of Spain, but the South we have a few days of heat for what to expect. If it is here that the break does not exist ...

I love this dish and can accompany many others, do what you have ever tried to omelette? With what you like to accompany? the truth is that only with a little oil is scrumptious, and now if we add a little chopped ham and egg ... mmmm!

So I do not roll it up more and leave you with my version of this delicious dish from Cordoba. Sencillito to prepare and loaded with vitamins to refresh.


  • 1 kg ripe red tomatoes
  • 80 g (approx.) of extra virgin olive oil (a little more support, but I like to cook with little oil).
  • 1-2 cloves garlic 1 pinch of salt
  • some bread crumbs, the better the day before (to taste, I would add less than half of a bun)
  • a splash of balsamic vinegar (to taste)
  • diced ham and chopped boiled egg to serve


  • tomatoes (if your blender is powerful, you need not peel them), the garlic and salt en un recipiente y los batimos, hasta que quede todo bien triturado.
  • Añadimos el pan y el vinagre y volvemos a triturar bien, hasta que quede una mezcla de textura fina.
  • Por último, mientras continuamos batiendo, vamos agregando el aceite para emulsionar la mezcla. Reservamos en el frigorífico.
  • Servir frío con un chorrito de aceite de oliva virgen extra y unos taquitos de jamón y huevo duro picado, o para acompañar cualquier otro plato que se os ocurra: tortilla de patatas, filetes de pechuga de pollo...

· Colocamos en el vaso los tomates, los dientes de ajo y la sal, 30 seg./vel.5

· Añadimos bread and vinegar, and then 2 minutes 30seg./vel.5 vel.10. • Programs

speed 5 and slowly pour the oil over the top without removing the cup, until the end to incorporate it. And presto!


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