Thursday, May 5, 2011

What Is The Best Time To Deworm A Puppy

preñaitos Alconchel and comprehensive Spaghetti with prawns and sun-dried tomatoes (sauce Thx)

I love pasta, this is not something new and one of the things I like about it is that you can prepare in much the way that you can think of. This particular one I found on the blog My thermofavoritos , if you already know not, I recommend you to visit, because it has a lot of recipes and leave all delicious.

The flavor of this sauce is amazing, therefore, that has become one of my favorites. And be prepared at a time. So forget about the pasta with tomato sauce and cheese and begin to experience that certainly will not repent. I have a few recipes out there that I will be teaching little by little so as not to bore you! I tell you how I prepared this time, with some modification. Ingredients

  • spaghetti (depending on you to be about 90 g aprox.por person)
  • 200 g of tomato sauce 8 dried tomatoes
  • 200 g
  • peeled shrimp 2 cloves garlic
  • 30 g of extra virgin olive oil
  • some oregano
  • 1
  • salt and cayenne pepper to taste
  • Preparation

  • tomatoes were hydrated in hot water for 10 minutes.
  • Cook the pasta in abundant salted water.
  • Introduces the drained tomatoes and garlic in the bowl, 5 sec. vel. 5. Add the oil and schedule 7 min., Temperature Varoma, vel. 2.
  • Incorporation of the shrimp, cayenne, salt and pepper, and sauté 4 minutes., 100 º twist vel.1 left (for the remaining shrimp whole).
  • tomato sauce is added, 4 min. 100 º, vel.1 (you can still keep the left turn).
  • Mix the sauce with the pasta ... and enjoy!
NOTE: If you have not thermomix not hesitate to try this sauce, you see very Sencillito, you just have to fry the ingredients (pre-chopped) in a pan and voila!


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