Monday, May 16, 2011

Check Orange Blackberry Email Online

Chocolate Muffins Cajun Potatoes Pudding

Today I bring this appetizer so easy and so tasty. I knew this recipe for a girl from youtube, isasaweis , now you can also see in Antena 3, has just released a book ... I have adapted a little preparation, and potatoes are delicious. Can be taken alone as an appetizer or use as a garnish for any meat or fish. Ingredients

  • New potatoes (those with thin skin and very clean)
  • extra virgin olive oil, a splash Paprika
  • : 5 teaspoons onion powder
  • : 4
  • Garlic powder: 4
  • Oregano: 2
  • Thyme: 1
  • black pepper, 1 red pepper
  • : 1
  • Cumin: 1 / 2 Salt to taste
Note: I have put the proportions I use, you can make more quantity while maintaining the same proportions or add or remove any of the spices if you do not much grace. In the original recipe also used 2 teaspoons of basil and white pepper 1. I did not take the time to prepare, and as I liked the result, and always prepraro well. Preparation

  • We wash thoroughly leaving skin potatoes and chop to the squares.
  • Mix all the spices. I threw them in a glass jar and so if I get enough of what I can save for another time.
  • Put the potatoes in a microwave-safe bowl (you can put in the oven, but as the micro is so comfortable and they are so good, mostly just preparing them there.) They add a little spice mixture, salt to taste and a dash of olive oil, mix it all, until they are impregnated with spices and introduce the microwave with lid for 6-7 minutes at full power. Les
  • give a little walk and check with a fork or toothpick if you are, if they are still hard or whole, once again we get other Minutillo the microwave, and lists.
Note: to mix the potatoes with the spices can help us in a plastic bag. We put the potatoes and spices, olive oil and salt, close the bag and give it a meneillo. The

can accompany with a little mayonnaise or any sauce you can think of.


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