Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How To Hack A Tmobile Dongle

hake with sauce of champagne and caviar cake

A dish for the holidays ahead, after the soft luxury snacks and ingredients, but today I've done more around the house to put hake medallions (for children I protest much) if you use any other type of fresh fish as kings shall be left.

hake (me in this case medallions)
1 onion 100 ml cream
1 glass of brandy
250 ml of semi-dry champagne
50 g butter prawns
raw eggs Mujo
flour oil pepper
white salt.
thaw well medallions and prawns and dry them in a cloth, season and spent the medallions in flour, fry in a little hot oil and set aside.
On another frying pan when butter is melted and cast the Italian picad onion, leave on medium heat until onion is transparent, add the brandy and flame when the flame goes add the cream, champagne, a little salt and white pepper, let the sauce reduce to half, add the shrimp, medallions and caviar, a couple of minutes and hot apartamos.Servir.


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