Another classic in Mundorecetas, in this case the forera Sussi, I made for my girl saint on July 24 but have not passed the pictures before , is a festive dish of those with whom they fit, so if you say it is salty that you do not go like me, I asked why put the cake at the beginning ha, ha, ha ...
Ingredients: * 250g
. raw shrimp (I ½ kg. To the bottom of the crown and the rest filling chopped) * 3 boiled eggs
* 200 grams of natural tin nice to
* 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
* 1 cup mayonnaise
* 2 tablespoons powdered gelatin
2 tablespoons dry sherry 2 tablespoons
ketchup Cook shrimp in boiling salted water for a couple of minutes. Strain broth and reserve 1 cup, which will dissolve the gelatin.
Cover the bottom of a ring mold with jelly and leave to set in refrigerator.
then peel the prawns, cut in half lengthwise if large or whole if small (as I'm staying the Gelain dim and not be seen but are) placed in the mold.
Meanwhile, cook the eggs for 10 minutes, peel and chop very fine with the remaining prawns. Incorporate shredded tuna, ketchup, parsley, sherry and remaining gelatin and mix well.
Finally, mix the mayonnaise prepared from the eggs and pour into pan over the shrimp. Place in refrigerator and allow several hours until set. Unmold. It may take a Poquita mayonnaise.
is very cool and is like a seafood salad but luxury.